Our Hearts Remain Wild - wild horse roleplay - open

For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

Our Hearts Remain Wild - wild horse roleplay - open

Postby eventer » Sun May 19, 2024 6:46 pm


do I really need to write these?

- follow all site rules -
- no people cars etc etc. these horses only predators are wolves, cougars and bears. Snakes can also kill, but so can badly placed antlers from deer or moose -
- if you’re like me and not always able to post, I understand You can make only mares so they can forever just tag along, or be aware that if your stallion claims mares,. After 1 week of no posts and no explanation that you will be afk for this time, these mates are free game to other stallions. They can not leave their herd on their own, they must be stolen. HOWEVER… if you give explanation prior to not posting, then all mates in that herd are off limits… even if there is something already organised to steal a mare, wait for the role player to return -
- foals at the start of roleplay must be 0-7 days or 8 - 12 months old to align with the start of spring -
- experience does matter when it comes to age, however, the horses breed also comes into affect. eg below -
- horses will begin to weaken by the age of 18, heavier draft mixes will begin to weaken by the age of 16 -
- mares and stallions will remain fertile till death. that said, mares may misscarry more after the age of 18, and the risk of death is about 75% more after the age of 23. Stallions may need to cover mares more times however their age will not really affect their fertility and can breed till they die of old age -
- I do expect at least a paragraph per horse, however writers block is understandable, if you don't muse, you don't have to post for all your characters -
- i will allow only three sets of twins per year, you will be required to message me. first in first serve, more than three sets of twins may be born per year, but one or both foals must die -
- no ponies or miniatures allowed period -
- must ask that you disable your signatures on this thread -
- more mares than stallions. If you make a stallion, you must make two mares -
- you can play up to 50 characters if your comfortable playing that many, but you must keep tem all active or kill some off -
- there are no crushes/mates. Stallions may have a favourite mare, but that does not mean she’s the lead mare, she may even be the most submissive -
- lead mare hierarchy works like stallions fighting, older mares will lead unless submissive in nature, if a 12 year old mare joins a herd with the oldest mare being 7, 9/10 times the young mare will back off after one dominant action from the older mare, even if fairly dominant herself -

- experience example -

12 year old stallion watches over his herd of 24 mares and 15 foals. a younger 5-8year old bachelor who seems to have two young mares has come in to challenge for some of the older stallions mares. after greeting respectfully, the fight begins. the younger stallion may appear more agile, but the older stallion has more experience and his blows will be more accurate on where he is aiming. by the end of the fight, the young stallion will back off reasonably quickly and in turn if the older stallion feels like it, will claim the younger stallions two mares by driving them towards his herd. the lead mare will be there to alert the stallion if the bachelor attempts to sneak back in, he will have about a 25% chance of success if the older stallion is distracted with his other mares. it's almost not worth it.

if there is a 2 year age gap between stallions, the older stallion will always win. this works until the older stallion is 18, then if a stallion around 15 comes to challenge him, the younger stallion will win.
Last edited by eventer on Thu May 30, 2024 12:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Our Hearts Remain Wild - SEASONS

Postby eventer » Sun May 19, 2024 6:48 pm


in summer, days grow long and hot. nights are short, but offer a few hours of comfortable temperatures. many horses migrate toward water sources or shade, seeking to hide from the afternoon sun. mares are still in heat, though by this point all foals from the previous year will have already been born. stallion are still on the search for more mares, while lead mares move the herd to a cooler location. despite the heat, summer is an active season. young stallions show off, yearling mares get whisked away, and band stallions are daring enough to attempt stealing a mare or two. rain is not common in summer, and if it does it is often a warm, heavy rain that lasts only a couple hours at most.

with autumn comes the return of cooler temperatures. nights and mornings are chilly, hinting at the freezing months to follow. rain becomes more common, and the colors of the land begin to fade. turning from dark green to vibrant oranges and reds, until the earth is taken over by a dull gray. mares are rarely in heat during autumn, but those covered in spring may start to foal. should this happen, there is a slim chance that said mares may go into heat for the remaining weeks of autumn, but may not always accept a stallion.

winter. snow coats the ground, the earth is blanketed in a glistening white, and temperatures drop. foals can be born throughout the winter months, however not all will survive the freezing the temperatures. mares are never in heat, and stallions are calm, instead fighting against predators whom may use the horses's weakened state to attack. food must be dug out from under the snow, and thin layers of ice may have to broken to reach water.

spring, the season of new life. temperatures rise to a comfortable level, snow melts away, revealing new growth, and animals come out of hiding. in spring, mares are beginning to go back into heat, and some late foals may even be born. new herds are forming, old ones expanding, while yearlings venture away from home to find their own place in the wilderness. rain is common, and clouds always dot the sky.
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Re: Our Hearts Remain Wild - wild horse roleplay - wip

Postby eventer » Mon May 20, 2024 3:28 pm


Do not post on this thread.

Post here xxx
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Re: Our Hearts Remain Wild - wild horse roleplay - open

Postby eventer » Fri May 24, 2024 4:26 pm

bump c:
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