The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

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The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:50 am

To Set the Scene

Is this the place? It can't be the place, you think to yourself, staring at your destination. Perhaps you have misinterpreted the code. However, the longer you stand on the crowded, sunny pavement, the more certain you become that you are not wrong. This is indeed where you are meant to be. This is your new home.

You enter the ice-cream parlour and step towards the marble counter. A cold sweat beads your paranoid neck. You order a raspberry ripple (the instructions were very specific) and then, slipping the dented, battered card into the creamy pink scoop, demand to see the manager.

The sunny-looking woman behind the counter understands. You feel a thrill of anticipation as her eyes grow cold and calculating. She looks you over, and you are unnerved to see an odd, metallic gleam in her face. She nods, but not to you, and gestures to an empty table, out of the way of the oblivious civilians.

"The Commander will be with you shortly," she tells you.

"Welcome to the Wren."

Where Are You?

Congratulations! Due your outstanding skill in the dark and sinister underworld, you have come to the attention of the Wren. The Wren is a small, select guild of assassins which hand-picks only the brightest and best members to join their ranks. The Wren is based in an ice-cream parlour in Ireland, aptly called Secret Sundaes, a couple of decades in the future. The Wren is primarily a teaching guild, something unheard of in the underworld. This is a rare place, and if you are accepted as a student you should consider yourself incredibly privileged.

The front and top part of the Wren, the ice-cream parlour, is like the tip of an iceberg. In the kitchen, a high-security door set into the back of an innocuous pantry leads to HQ. HQ spans several floors and contains an expansive shooting range, at least three gyms, a control centre, several laboratories, two libraries, a cafeteria (where the food is all dosed with small amounts of poison to keep immunity up) and much more.

The Wren has been in place for a very long time. The first recorded mention of the guild was in the Victorian era, but it's suspected that it has been around for much longer than that. The Wren is very accepting, and takes members from the age of fifteen upwards, of every gender, colour and species.

If you want to chat OOC, discuss plot, ask questions or propose ideas, this is the place to go:

Wren Chat

The password is assassin

Rules for Roleplay

1. All site rules apply.
2. All roleplay site rules apply.
3. You MUST be at least semi-literate to join this roleplay! Anything else will be politely declined. That means at least one paragraph per post.
4. I know that this is an assassin roleplay, but please keep your kills PG 13.
5. On that note, please keep everything PG 13.
6. Power Playing and God-Modding will result in banning from the roleplay. I'm serious.
7. You may have up to three characters, as long as you can play them all properly.

The Wren's Rules

1. An earpiece or cam (short for camera) is to be worn at all times outside HQ! Failure to comply will result in heavy Shay disapproval, and nobody wants that.
2. No Wren details are to be shared with any non-Wren individual, unless bare minimum for possible recruitment.
3. No kills are to be made without prior consent of a leader or Head, save for exceptional circumstances.
4. Weaponary is to be concealed at all times in public.
5. Weaponary is also to be worn at all times in public.
6. Wren-members must wear at least one item of official clothing bearing the Wren sigil, unless otherwise ordered.
7. Just don't be stupid.

Who Can You Be

If you are joining the Wren, you can be male or female, from the age of fifteen upwards. You can also be any species you desire. However, please be practical. A phoenix would make a very difficult partner. Please keep to humanoid shapes. If you're not sure about your character, feel free to run it past me. Here are some options:

Human (obviously)

Get creative!


The Wren

Head Commander: Shaygrin Syncrame.

Deputies (two slots): Open (though one spot is reserved for Bree when she comes of age)

Head of Poisoners (one slot): Open

Head of Snipers (one slot): Open

Head of Surveillance: Open

Head of Technologies (this includes development of weaponary): Ty

Head of Tutors (one slot): Open

Head of All-Rounders (non-specialty operatives): Open

(all heads must audition for the role, they cannot be applied for through forms. You have to work your way up to them).

Poisoners: Cas

Snipers: Cicada, Riku, Gen

Surveillance operatives: Rouge, Stalker

Technologists (techies): Magdalene

Tutors: Shaygrin Syncrame, Bree (when she's roped into it), Open

All-Rounders: Bree

Trainees: Raven, Veridius Quo, Chanae, Booker, Shi, Kaylee

Opposing Side


Note: To be a Head, you must have earned Full Feathers through exemplary work. To be above trainee, you must have at least Half-Feathers.

To Apply

To apply, please post this form here. YOU MUST BE AT LEAST SEMI-LITERATE! Your posts have to be at least a paragraph each and mostly grammatically correct, or you will not be accepted.

You must also fill out this form:

Code: Select all
*insert image of your character here if you desire*
[b]Real full name:[/b]
[b]Physical appearance:[/b]
[b]Special skills:[/b]
Last edited by Verdana on Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:17 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Welcome to the Wren: Semi-lit Assassin RP

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:50 am




Real full name: Shaygrin Syncrame
Alias/nickname: Shay, or 'Mummy' if you're feeling particularly daring.
Gender: Female
Age: Let's just say 'old' and leave it at that. To put it into perspective, she started the Wren way back in the day.
Species: Hard to say, exactly. She would most aptly be called a mutt. There's some vampyre thrown in there; some dwarf, perhaps, but she classifies herself cryptically as 'Sylvan'.
Physical appearance: Shay's appearance is misleading. She is short and built strongly (which she cleverly disguises as a stout, bustling shape), with a youthful, cheerful face and kindly silver-blue eyes. Her hair is black and pulled into a messy ponytail, more often than not in various stages of coming undone. Her face is slightly lined, her skin is tanned, and all in all she looks like a rather ordinary forty-something woman. She usually wears trousers which look something like old-fashioned riding breeches and whatever top she can find. The only constant are her worn leather boots.

Do not be fooled. She is not what she seems.
Personality: Shay is multi-faceted. As the proud mother of Ty and Bree, she is protective, kind and maternal. This sometimes reflects when she is with her beloved assassins, who she sees as extended family in any case. However, she is also a fierce fighter, a cold-hearted assassin and an intelligent and savvy businesswoman. It depends on her mood, the situation and other things besides, which element of Shay's character you will be presented with. One thing's for certain: You will never be bored in her company.
Special skills: Shay is a noteworthy con-artist, is skilled with all manner of blades, and has some (slightly alarmingly uncontrolled) ability to do magyck. She's a skilled pickpocket, a great strategic thinker and a good dancer and musician. She should never be allowed to drive.
Rank: Head Commander
Weapons: Blades, any and all of them. She has numerous knives, daggers and even a sword about her person.
History: Oh, dear dear dear, if we were to start on that we'd be here for weeks. Shaygrin is notoriously quiet about her past, but some elements and rumours have been confirmed:
*She started her life in a Finishing School, which she hated.
*She was raised by a pirate band called The Tarmark (no one is certain if they come from this world or not).
*She got up to plenty of mischief, and in the process managed to anger Fate herself.
*She spent some time under the tutelage of Vladimir Tepes, with whom she had a son.
*She has no living family, besides her children.
Other: She has two children, Ty and Bree, who she adores.

Real full name: Torrin Tepes
Alias/nickname: Ty, also known as Torque over the internet
Gender: Male
Age: 20, nearly 21 years old
Species: Mostly vampyre (he thinks)
Physical appearance:The first thing that strikes you about Ty is that he's tall. Not 'slightly tall' or even 'very tall'. 'Monstrous' would be a better way to describe him. At near seven feet tall, he is truly gigantic, and his imposing stature is not helped by his impressive musculature. Besides being big and brawny, the next thing that one will notice is Ty's strange attire. Ty wears faded cargo pants, splotched by rust and grime and unmentionable green stuff; a vest which he seems to have doodled on absent-mindedly; fluffy Hello Kitty slippers and what appears to be a girl scout's beret on his shaggy head of black hair. He also wears gauntlets to protect his hands from his craft.

When you finally manage to pull your eyes to his face, you'll see a pronounced nose, a scruffy mask of stubble and, to your astonishment, inquisitively friendly almost-black blue eyes. Don't be thrown. Ty is not nearly as tough as he looks.
Personality: Ty is a misunderstood genius. He is eccentric on a whole new level, but that, he says, comes with the territory. Ty is a very bright, kindly, odd young man. He always seems rather apologetic about being so tall, and wants nothing more than to be friends with everyone he can. He is a big softie, who wants to chat and share feelings and eat sandwiches. He loves sandwiches. He can sometimes be alarmingly exuberant, but he really means no harm. He's like an overgrown child, and should probably be treated as such and not not left to rule over security as he is.
Special skills: Ty is a technological genius. He makes all of the Wren's weapons by hand and designs their security. He is also a computer whiz and his invention prototypes are sold to supplement the Wren's steady income. His inventions are sometimes mind-boggling, sometimes hilarious. He sees no distinction, and good-naturedly makes things whatever their use.
Rank: Head of Technology (or King of the Techies, as he calls himself)
Weapons: Whatever comes to hand. He's not much of a fighter, so it's fortunate that he looks so scary.
History: Ty was born in a small townhouse in Italy. Back in the day, his mother tried to keep the Wren away from her children. Unfortunately, when he was seven years old, Ty and his little sisters caught their mother dragging a corpse into the cellar.

Gone was their quiet life as they were given the life-changing choice: Stay ignorant, or discover the Wren? They all chose the latter, and Ty's real education began.

Ty was an awkward boy. He began to grow very tall when he was about nine years old, and did not fit in. He was very unhappy for a while, until Shay, in a fit of desperation, introduced her underachieving eldest child to Johnny Johnson, the Texan man who was then in charge of the Wren's technological department. Ty instantly fell in love with inventing, and was never the same again. He soon outgrew Johnny's lessons and began to develop his own ideas. As a result, he rarely ever went out and so has no idea of how the real world works.

Ty gained an impressive reputation as Torque, the inventor and creator of many exciting inventions, and he is happy, as long as he isn't forced to leave HQ. He is terribly scared of strangers.
Other: He likes sandwiches more than anyone should, and gets very creative when preparing food.

Real full name:'Briva Syncrame
Alias/nickname: Bree
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years old
Species: Mostly Arthuran, an odd creature something like an elf, only rather more insane.
Physical appearance: Bree is of average height, but is alarmingly thin. The only substance on her is muscle. This is not by choice, but because she cannot seem to keep any weight on her bones. She is also very pale, with sullen, staring amber eyes fringed by long dark lashes. Her hair is dark brown and very straight. She wears it loose in HQ but tied up on jobs. She has high, pronounced cheekbones and well-shaped lips. She is an attractive young woman, but is almost permanently scowling. She invariably wears black leather.
Personality: Bree has plenty to prove. She is in line to be a deputy when she hits adulthood, and is determined to earn the role as fully as possible. As a result, she is too strict, too tough and far too nasty for her own good. She has a sharp tongue, many opinions and is not afraid to show this. She is aggressive, quick to anger and holds a grudge like nobody else on Earth. Deep inside, Bree is a sad, hurt and insecure girl who just wants to be affirmed. However, she's not telling anyone this any time soon. She's completely focused on being the best assassin possible, and that's how it stays. Full stop.
Special skills: She is an excellent gun-woman and rarely ever misses a shot. She is a fantastic actor and loves to dance. She plays the cello.
Rank: All-Rounder
Weapons: Her gun, Scorpion, which is forged from one of her mother's old knives. She'll also use other guns and some knives, but Scorpion is her favourite.
Bree had basically the same history as her brother, but with one crucial difference: She was a twin. Emphasis on 'was'. Bree and Vee joined the Wren together, and leaned on each other in the strangeness. Vee was far more placid and peaceful than her sister, but they were very close. However, when she was four, Bree got hold of a gun. Instead of tragedy occurring, it was discovered that she had incredible talent and she was put to training, which she loved.

At that time, a young woman called Brinna was also in training. She had accomplished her half-feathers very young and thought herself a good candidate for a high rank. Something happened between those two women. Nobody knows what went on except for Brinna and Bree, and neither of them are willing to share. Nevertheless, some very strange incidents took place, reaching a climax when darling little Vee was shot and killed. Bree was eight years old at the time.

The death of her sister shattered Bree, and she's never been the same. She's cold, determined and focused, and there isn't an ounce of friendliness in her body.
Other: Bree is immune-deficient, which means that she cannot fight poison or disease. This is a big problem, which puts her even more on her guard. She is also horribly claustrophobic.



Real full name: Castor Oleander {Both are poisonous plants}
Alias/nickname: Cas
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Species: Dryad {Sort of like a wood nymph, but slightly more. They're Greek/Roman and while wood nymphs are for a tree, Dryads are for the whole forest.}
Physical appearance: Castor has a typical elven figure, long, tall, athletic, moderately curvy, with long legs and arms. graceful and majestic, with a serious, pale, elven face. High cheekbones, a pointed chin, and large, almond eyes give Castor a look of solemnity and grace. Her eyes are the deep violet of monkshood, and her skin the pale cream of Bushman's Poison. Lips as red as yew berries, with fingernails the same. Her hair is a deep, rich earthy brown, coiling down towards her elbows in rings and spirals, glossy and thick.
Personality: Castor was born the dryad of, what else? Poison. Her dark nature, from birth, set her aside from those of her kind, and made her time on her own the most common and normal for her. Still, that isolation from such a young age, although it makes her quit comfortable with silence and shadow, also makes her, in some corner of her poisoned heart, crave companionship. A friend. A lover. She's never known either. Cas was never an evil person, really, just stuck with a power and fascination that blinded others. Actually, her isolation, and lack of social acceptance made her more innocent than others to the horror of people. It became so routine to be denied acceptance, she hardly thought of it. Cas actually seem's younger, and more innocent than she is, because of her lack of social know-how. A cold blooded killer, Cas believes that poison is the ultimate weapon. Still, when she isn't working, she still tries to be social, make friends, put herself out into the world. Basically, she doesn't want to die, and no one care. Ironic, always laughing, and smiling, she's as ironic as the dryad for poison gets, always seemingly bubbly. But, no one ever gave her enough chance to figure that out. If given a chance, ever, who knows who Cas would be. Castor, shy in public, and quiet, is as mysterious and lonely as the fingers of a breeze.
Special skills: Poison, gardening (she's a dryad, so that one might be slightly obvious), singing, surprisingly, and she does that whenever she's alone, even if it's a simply hum, and running. All dryads, if you know about them, are, like nymphs or satyrs, abnormally fast. As far as her singing talents go, normally she sings poetry, or songs so long gone with time no one remembes who wrote them, or if they were even real at some point.
Rank: Well, I don't know if everyone has to start out as a trainee, so if that's the case, than trainee, but if not, I would like poison.
Weapons: She carries bags all over her person (belt, arm bands, anklets, necklaces, earrings, hairbands, shoes, etc.) filled with different poisons. She also has two daggers on her belt, coated in Castor, what she was named for, and the other in Oleander, her second name. Tacky, I know, but she enjoys the irony.
History:Sort of told you some of it in the personality, but also, theres some more. When she first became an assasin, she was nine years old. She was starving, and the other dryads and nymphs who were responsible for food were refusing it to her. Illigal, where she was from, but the law enforcements turned a blind eye. One day, when she was nearer to death than she had ever been nor ever would be, a centaur had come to her with a proposition. They are proud creatures, and he had been insulted by a fellow centaur. His mate had left him for the said centaur, and he wanted revenge. He offered food, which he had grown himself and was therefor not property of the other dryads, in exchange for poisoning. She agreed. To save her own life, she killed another. Ever since, vengeful and power hungry deamons, faeries, mermaids, humans, cyclops's, you name it, have come to see her, and she has never failed. Her work has mainly dealt with surprise, silence, and a dose of poison where no one would expect it. Results normally happen for her two to three days later. Example: If payed the normal amount, she would sneak into the victims home, and place small doses of poison into their water or food supply. Then, over a day, they would ingest it, and die. Sometimes if she was payed higher, or the case called for speed, she would place large amounts of fast acting poison in somewhere she knew would be fast. Like on their tongue while they slept. Of course, that's risky, but she's always ready with her dagger, too.
Other: She usually wears clothing like Dryads would wear. Earthy colors, fabric imitating nature, the like.

+Master Quatre:

Real full name: Joel Brenson
Alias/nickname: Cicada
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: "Mutant. No one's supposed to know about us, and most of our powers are minor. You're staring at an exception."
Physical appearance: 6'3", 200 lbs. Black hair, Brown Eyes.
Personality: It always seems like he's analyzing you. It creeps some people out, the way he's always coldly silent. But that's just the way of life he's used to. Don't speak, just listen. You'll miss key information if your mouth's running all the time. And keep yohr heart closed. An open heart is the key to weakness.
Special skills: Enhanced Speed, Agility, Stamina, and marksmanship.
Rank: Sniper (Possibly, Head Sniper one day?)
Weapons: He can shoot basically any gun, but his standard is a jet black Desert Eagle he has named Rift.
History: He doesn't remember much of his past before he joined The Wren at sixteen. Snatches of his former home come back to him but only in snippets. One of the strongest ones, for example, is the smell of food burning. This is especially strong when he is hungry, unfortunately, and only makes him more so. He also remembers the soft arms of his mother.
Other: He seems to remember a younger brother, but where he is and if he is even alive is a mystery.

Real full name: Kasper Dean Collins
Alias/nickname: Veridius Quo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Cyborg with a human brain
Physical appearance: 5'10.5", 125 lbs. Grayish-blue hair, blue eyes.
Personality: Though he tries to act cool and nonchalant around other members of The Wren, in reality Kasper is a soft-hearted young gentleman with a weakness for innocent women. He's deathly afraid that someone will find out his secret and assassinate him as a result. He's tried over and over to get rid of his concience, but has so far been unsuccessful.
Special skills: Other than things that come with a cyborg, such as near-indestructablilty, because of the brain Kasper posesses he posesses an ability to control electricity.
Rank: Trainee, looking to be an All-Rounder. 
Weapons: Ten claw-like blades built into his fingers, and his powers.
History: Strangely, there is no gap in Kasper's memory that might give the slightest clue how, when, and where he acquired his cyborg body, but he remembers being able to bleed.
He was born on the streets and lived on the streets. Jobs were few and far between for homeless so he ended up turning to gangs and violence to scrape by. He pulled off his first murder when he was only ten, a swift knofe through the heart of an enemy. Since he was little, no one paid attention to him. And that's why he was such a good killer. And the discovery of his powers when he was 12 only made him stronger. His arm was blown off by a gang member during a fight, and much to Kasper's surprise, the torn arm wasn't flesh as he had expected but circuitry that almost immediately self-regenerated.
By the time he was fourteen he had killed 39 people- 19 gang, 15 commissioned, and a further 5 freelance. Wanted by authorites around the world, Kasper was running out of places to hide. This mostly influenced his decision to join The Wren.
Other: N/A~


Real full name: Erica Jenson
Alias/nickname: Rouge
Gender: female
Age: she looks around 17 but is really at least 100 years or so old
Species: Elf

Physical appearance:
Erica is tall with a natural elegance to her movements, she has a slim frame most girls envy, and the high metabolism we all wish we had. She has short ash blonde hair that has a little wave to it although not much. Her eyes are a dark, chocolate brown, and has full naturally red lips. Her skin is an evenly tanned shade that comes only from living outside under the sun a lot of your time. She has an angular face, with high cheek bones, and catlike eyes, and to completely the faerie like countenance her ears are slightly pointed at their tips.

Erica is a shy rather reserved person, she has trouble with social things and talking to people. She hates initiating conversations but once the conversation gets going she does okay. She often stands with her arms crossed giving the impression that she is mad about something, but it's merely her natural stance so don't be intimidated by it. Once she gets to know you more, you'll find she's a lot louder than when you first met her. She is sweet and caring, but is very set on doing what she thinks is right. She can be suborn and sarcastic at times but she often feels bad afterwards. She is very forgiving of wrongs and never holds grudges, but she will sleep with one eye open if she doesn't trust you. She is also a surprisingly good liar so be careful. She also enjoys playing practical jokes on people she knows well. She isn't much of a leader but does like to be independent. She has a rather artistic way of looking at things and is good a see people's motives as to why they do things. Erica may be very shy but she is a determined person and never lets anything stop her from doing what she believes is right. She also has that heartless side of her all assassin should have, when she puts herself into her assassin mindset, she has little to no mercy and will kill without hesitation. She's deadly on the field, but back at headquarters she acts like her normal, shy, sweet self.

Special skills:
Erica is what you call a pavement artist, she can move through a crowds without being noticed. She blends in perfectly, and you would never know she was there, unless she told you so. She moves silently and seems to glide through the shadows blending in with them. Her ability is slightly due to the type of clothing she wears. Erica wears a slightly old fashioned looking cloak, but it serves a very important purpose. The cloak is a mixture of grey and brown colors that have no pattern to them, the cloak help's break up her shape, and make it easier to blend with shadows. However it does take a certain amount of natural skill to do what she does, it's not just the cloak. She also is extreamly quick and has the enhanced sense you find on any elf.

Rank: surveillance and aspires to become the head someday
Weapons: Her long bow is her main weapon, how ever she uses throwing knives a fair amount and likes the pair of bladed fan's she carries around with her. She can use a number of other weapons too, those are just the main ones.

Erica is still a relatively young elf compared to most, however she is one of the most talented, which set her apart from the beginning. Most of her species are scared of her, because of her propensity for killing, and also because they are creeped out by her ability to sneak up on them. Elves (as I'm sure you know) have more enhanced sense- particularly their hearing- than most other species, although that is not always true. Erica's parents basically kicked her out of the house when she was old enough to survive on her own, because they were afraid of her. Rather neglected as a child she turned to.... other things, for example stealing to live. She became known as Rouge rather than Erica and was shunned by her community, so she left her home pretty quickly. Erica traveled the world, seeing the sights, and lived on her own doing what was needed for her to survive for around four years. Erica was invited to join the Wren and did so gladly, she graduated top of her 'class'. She took the position as part of the surveillance team because of her own talent in that area. She wants to become the head of surveillance and is doing her best to get to that position.


Real full name: Rayven Emily Goddard
Alias/nickname: Black Shadow/Raven.
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Physical appearance: See image above.
Personality: Cold and steely. She dislikes most people. She finds it hard to trust anyone and cannot
Special skills: She's almost a martial art expert and can use a sword well.
Rank: Trainee.
Weapons: Poisons and a katana.
History: Her family's pretty normal, except for the fact that their daughter is an assassin in training and a demon. Her mother is half demon and her father is a demon that ran away from his family and rejected their ways. She joined judo lessons aged 6 and worked her way up to a blackbelt. She also began thai muay lessons aged 10. Aged 12 she was told to start kendo lessons and became a master of the sword.
Other: She's a demon.


Real full name: Hideki Kuroju
Alias/nickname: Ruko/Riku
Gender: Male
Age: Barely Sixteen
Species: Cyborg
Physical appearance: He looks human, almost remarkably so. Despite this, all that's not artificial in him is his brain, the skin covering the machine parts, at the hair that grows on his head without a apparent explanation. HIs hair is a simple brown thats considered longish for a boy, that gets in his face frequently. His eyes are a pale orange, but thats the only unnatural thing about him. He's a bit small for his age, looks average weight,(actually very far from it. Metal weighs a lot, you know?) and has light brown skin.
Personality: He's practically a shame to the assassin image. He's happy-go-lucky, and laughs at just about everything. He doesn't have a 'closed heart' of any sort. Still, Riku can kill mercilessly, all with a smile. Insults have next to no effect on him, until he snaps anyway. He has no setting between 'smiling' and 'slaughtering'. Once he's mad, he's deadly, and will easily kick, punch, shoot, swear at, and possibly kill the offender. Fortunately, this rarely occurs, and soon-to-be-victims watch as a laughing kid exclaims that a cloud looks like a rabbit, and wonder if The Wren is actually a daycare.
Special skills:He's quite fast, and has startling accuracy. Circuitry does regenerate faster than flesh, which he very much likes. The issue is that if particular wires are cut, then the entire system shuts down until re-started, which as one can imagine is not a good thing.
Rank: (Do we have to start as Trainees? If so, then Trainee. If not, Sniper)
Weapons:Small guns that can be easily hidden in coat pockets, and quickly drawn.
History:Looking at him, its hard to picture that he had a bloody past. He doesn't. While he looks fifteen, he's actually far younger, but has the mental ability of someone who appears his age. He has always looked like he does, and probably always will. He was put together in a lab, grown in a test tube, and finally 'awakened' with the intelligence of teenager. He was far from the most deadly of the artificial humans created though, and the lab was soon bombed to omit the threat. Some of them, including Riku, made it out alive. Exactly two humans survived, only to be promptly killed by their own creations, who were completely unused to not being locked up and being overwhelmed by sudden freedom. A large streak of murders started, the surviving cyborgs being the cause, and Riku, while doing few, was among them. After about half their number were killed in the various responses from the government, Riku heard a rumor about the 'Wren', who he promptly started searching for.
Other: None really.


Real full name: Chanae Silva
Alias/nickname: She doesn't like nicknames.
Gender: Female
Age: 18 turning 19
Species: Shapeshifter (If possible..?)
Physical appearance: She has wavy golden blonde hair, falling down just past her shoulders and above her stomach. She usually wears her hair down, saying that hair ties don't feel natural. She has icy blue eyes (Most people actually think they're silvery grey) with long eye lashes surrounding them. She is farely pale, except for her slightly pinkish cheeks that stand out when she is cold or angry. She is quite skinny (Not like "I-can-see-most-of-your-ribs skinny), very light in weight, making it easier for her to sneak around quietly. She looks quite fragile, but don't be fooled, she can and will knock you down if need be. The most common clothing she wears is her skinny dark blue jeans, you won't see her without them.
Personality: She is a very happy girl, very bubbly and perky and will socialize whenever the chance. She is loyal to the people she loves and/or works for, willing to do anything for them. Chanae is very energetic, always up on her feet or running around, jumping or bouncing, just to make serious things fun. But, with her happy and bubbly side comes the dark and serious side. She can be a cold killer, light and easy on her feet, putting all of her energy to good use. Chanae will kill without hesitation, putting her all into one fight just to come out ontop. She can be silent when her serious and more mature side comes out, not bothering to talk to people when doing a job, always putting that one job first before anything else. She is quick to change her personality and even quicker to change forms.
Special skills: She is a fast runner, very athletic and flexible when it comes down to it. She can overcome any obsticle thrown at her, always ready for the worst. She is good with any weapon, but exceptionally good when she attacks by hand.
Rank: Trainee
Weapons: She carries afew knives around, even a gun or two just incase. But her usual weapon is herself.
History: She doesn't exactly like to talk aout it, but she has let afew things slip over the time she has spent at The Wren.
She was attacked when she was a child, her father was killed, along with her brother. Her mother had run away with her, living for the next couple of years untill Chanae decided to fend for herself and join The Wren.

Other: She likes to shift into felines and birds.


Real full name: Marcus Malberry
Alias/nickname: Stalker
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Physical appearance: A young man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He is about 5'11" and has a lanky build to himself.
Personality: Only a recent addition to the Wren. He is a failed lady's man and is often found to be a nuisance to members of the opposite gender as well as those of his own. Despite his frequent and highly annoying courtship attempts, he is a loyal comrade and, secretly, a kind heart.
Special skills: He is an excellent scout, often noticing minor details that others would miss and incorporating them into an operations successful completion. His personality combined with his training and studies of psychology has turned him into an exceptional distraction when required. Finally, in his many hours of failed attempts to impress others, he has logged an excessive number of hours at the firing range, either attempting to impress the ladies or simply trying to laugh off his latest failed attempt. As a result, his bolt action rifle rivals many more elaborate weapons wielded by the nonhuman personnel.
Rank: Surveillance operatives
Weapons: Macmillan TAC 308A
History: Malberry enlisted with the armed forces the day that he turned 18. During the year and a half that he served, he qualified for advanced training in marksmanship. During his first mission after his training was completed, his squad vehicle was hit by an IED. Surviving the blast, he was taken into custody and resisted his captors' attempts at interrogation, ultimately escaping from imprisonment. For several months, he survived off the radar and eventually was discovered deep within hostile territory. Returning home, he found a message leading him to an ice cream parlor.


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Real full name: Genevieve Maroon Powers
Alias/nickname: | Gen |
Age:16 | Sixteen.
Species:Demon. She is able to let her body become fire. Click.
Physical appearance:
Gen is a slender, small-framed/bodied, pale girl with an intelligent, mysterious, interesting, and attractive demeanor. {Despite that last part, she's not much of a flirty girl.} If all you could see was her silhouette, you'd see a slender, curvy, 5'9" girl. Gens face is smooth with skin that isn't quite tight, but not flabby or loose either. A few freckles can be found, but not that many. Echo has a small, heart-shaped face, beautifully framed by thick, wavy, snow-white hair that shines a little in the sunlight, but is brilliantly complimented by moonlight. She has scattered violet streaks around her head. Her eyes are a deep, purple-ish blue opal color that it can be hard to see past if she wants to hide her feelings, rimmed with thick, jet-black eyelashes. Her eyebrows are rather thin, and, like her eyes, are set at medium length away from each other. Her eyes are naturally slanted a fourth of a millimeter upwards, giving her a bit of an interested, curious, playful look. If she's a bit down, though, this can also give her a bit of a disappointed look that can be a bit hard to hide. Her cheekbones are set high, at about the height of her ears, which are small and delicate to match the rest of her features. Her hair can normally be found sitting behind them, but a few strands always manage to escape. Her nose is small-ish and curved up a little in a childish fashion. Gens top lip is thin, but her bottom lip is a bit larger with the natural roundness at the center that can give her a pretty cute smile. Her lips are sunset pink colored. Her neck is long and elegant, naturally sloping into shoulders that curve a bit backwards, giving her generally a pretty good posture. Gens arms are thin but strong, and her forearms are just a bit longer than the first part of her arms. Her wrists are thin, but curve and round nicely into slender, delicate, nimble hands with thin fingers that can always find something to do: doodling, writing, tapping, playing with her hair, anything. Her nails aren't that long, but they reach hardly over the tips of her fingers. The rest of her torso is slender and small, but strong nonetheless and slopes gently into wide hips. Her legs are long, and, like her torso, slender, small and strong. Her calves are especially small, too, giving her a powerful, athletic look although all of this is natural, as she doesn't take part in many sports and enjoys the free time she gets to herself to write and draw.
Gen has a compelling drive to understand the way things work. She's good at logical analysis', and like's to use it on practical concerns. She typically has strong powers of reasoning, although shes not interested in theories or concepts unless she can see a practical application. she likes to take things apart and see the way they work.
She has an adventuresome spirit. She is attracted to motorcycles, airplanes, sky diving, surfing, etc. She also thrive's on action, and is usually fearless. She is fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make her own decisions about her next step. She doesn't believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit her ability to "doing her own thing". Her sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes her prone to becoming bored rather quickly.
Gen is stuck to her causes and beliefs, and is a firm believers that people should be treated with equity and fairness. Although she doesn't respect the rules of the "System", she follows her own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. She will not take part in something which violates her personal laws. Gen is extremely loyal and faithful to her family and friends.
Gen likes and needs to spend time alone, because this is when she can sort things out in her minds most clearly. She absorb's large quantities of impersonal facts from the external world, and sort through those facts, making judgments, when she is alone.
She is an action-oriented person. She likes to be up and about, doing things. She is not the person to sit behind a desk all day and do long-range planning. Adaptable and spontaneous, she respond's to what is immediately before her. Gen usually has strong technical skills, and can be effective technical leaders. She focuses on details and practical things. She has an excellent sense of expediency and grasp of the details which enables them to make quick, effective decisions.
Gen avoids making judgments based on personal values - she feels that judgments and decisions should be made impartially, based on the fact, she is not naturally tuned in to how she are affecting others. She doesn't pay attention to her own feelings, and even distrust them and she try to ignore them, because she has difficulty distinguishing between emotional reactions and value judgments this is a problem for her.
Gen who can get over-stressed may exhibit rather emotional outbursts of anger, or on the other extreme may be overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which she feels compelled to share with others. If Lyra is down on herself she will foray into the world of value judgments - a place which is not natural for her. - and she will judge herself by her inability to perform some task. she will then approach the task in a grim emotional state, expecting the worst.
Gen is excellent in crisis situations. She is a good athlete, and has very good hand-eye coordination. She is good at following through with a project, and tying up loose ends. She usually don't have much trouble with school, because she is introverts who can think logically. Gen is a patient individual, although she may be prone to occasional emotional outbursts due to her inattention to her own feelings, Gen has a lot of natural ability which makes her good at many different kinds of things. However, she is at happiest when she is centered in action-oriented tasks which require detailed logical analysis and technical skill. She takes pride in her ability to take the next correct step.
Gen is optimistic, full of good cheer, loyal to her equals, uncomplicated in her desires, generous, trusting and receptive person who wants no part in confining commitments.
Special skills:
Genevieve is very talented and full if good cheer. She can always put a smile on somebodys face. She was born to run, giving her speed nobody can beat. Doesn't mean she's better than everybody, just means that she a fast runner. She has natural talent in sword fighting and is fairly well with knives.
Knives;; three if them the look like pens but can become knows quickly with a push of a button. The knives are covered in posin giving them the look that their fake, when stabbed into a body, the skin contact with the poison will cause a blood reaction causing the human to faster.
Golden demon sword;; this sword posses souls, a Simons on the top sparkles in te moonlight. The sword is thin but strong giving it the appearance of something that can kill. It is normally in a small bag that's tied to her belt that's masked by a cover if foil.
Smoke bombs;; they look like paint balls. Pink| can kill with one breath:: Red| Gives an allergic reaction killing minutes later.:: Orange| knick out gas, puts somebody into a faint sleep instantly.:: Yellow| Gives fatal sickness.
Gen's never been into sob stories, but sadly, she's kind of living one. All her life, she's lived to forget. That one fateful year, four year ago when she was thirteen, her parents were murdered in the hospital after a fire during a blood transfusion, using an unknown poison that was placed in the blood after it had been checked. Even before that her life hadn't been that great: her parents had been fighting to stay above the water, with a shallow and unstable pool of money under them, so they'd always been a pretty nervous family. This has made Echo the kind of person who lies automatically; she had always lied about her life to save her reputation, and she'd always lied about her name because she could no longer trust anyone after the murder of her parents. It has been her lifelong goal since then to solve her parents murder, and this is the reason why having the abilities she does is so big to her. She wants to find the killer and definitely do something terrible, something so that he could feel the same pain that she and her parents had felt. She's never revealed to anyone who she's previously been and done, and only once she's positive that she can honestly trust that person will Gen ever reveal that to anyone. She's very secretive about her entire past and loves to make up new histories for herself, to see if the person will actually believe her. This is how she determines whether or not they're trustable; if they'll believe it, then they'll believe anything and probably won't be trusted. If they don't, then Gen can feel that she's able to trust them a bit more. Gen can't help but wonder if the pain will ever cease.

The Commoner King:

Real full name: Magdalene Annabeth Carter
Alias/nickname: Magma
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen
Species: Human
Physical appearance: Magdalene is a bit short for her age, only five feet and three inches tall. She's slightly underweight, only weighing in at 125 pounds, and a bit flat-chested. Her skin is light, seeing as she comes from a pure Irish family, and freckles dust her face and arms. Dyed midnight black hair falls to her shoulders in untidy layers, normally swept up into a careless ponytail or bun. Bright green eyes pierce your senses, highlighting her slightly sharpened features. Seeing as she's nearsighted, a pair of thick Ray Bans glasses are normally seen on her person at all times.
Magdalene has what you could call a skater style, in a sense. She normally wears something along the lines of a band t-shirt, jeans, and checkered slip-on Vans. On colder days she'll wear either a flannel shirt of a hoodie over it. She's also rarely seen without a bag of some sort, normally being her paint-splattered canvas messenger bag, which happens to carry an odd assortment of things. Inside you'll normally find a Gameboy Color and a few games, an old iPod nano (3rd generation), her outdated cameraphone, an extra belt, a butterfly knife, a copy of Sherlock Holmes, and the occaisional six-shooter, along with a few rounds.
Personality: Calm, collected, and cool. Those three words would be how most people describe her at first glance. Moreover she's the shy kind of individual who would rather spend her day reading Sherlock Holmes than be bothered with the hassle that is communicating with others. Her tendancy to be standoffish makes her appear to others as cold, though she really isn't. Sometimes she can also come across as morbid, but then again, she used to be in a street gang. Blood was her life back then, and it's rubbed off on her personality quite a bit.
In battle, there's a fire in her eyes that most people don't often see. She loved competing, and inflicting pain on others used to be one of her favorite pastimes. When she sees an opening, she'll go in for the kill. And if she doesn't get it, well, let's say that she won't be too thrilled. Just stay out of her way for a little while afterwards.
Special skills: She has a fairly great knowledge of all things technical and mechanical, including things going as far back as the late 1800's. She does quite well with a handgun, although the recoil can hit her pretty hard at times. She's also quite agile, and can do well with hand-to-hand combat if it's called for.
Rank: Techie...?
Weapons: A butterfly knife and a pistol, though mainly the butterfly knife. It's much easier to hide.
History: Magdalene was born into a poor family who gave her up at birth. At age three she adopted by an antique dealer, his wife unable to concieve. She grew up in a store filled with relics older then entire generations. As she grew up reading tales of Scotland yard and playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES, her adoptive parents still tried for a birth heir. At the age of eight her parents finally got their wish: a little blonde boy named Jared. Attending to their newborn son, Magdalene was neglected more and more. At the age of thirteen she took one of her father's old butterfly knives and joined a street gang. There she learned every fighting tactic they older memebers knew, her skill pregressing faster than the other members could comprehend. At the age of fifteen they exiled her, calling her a freak. Taking her father's pistol, she then left home to make a street gang herself, but the Wren stopped her first.
Other: Nothing.

Real full name: Booker William Sheard
Alias/nickname: Booker, just Booker.
Gender: Male
Age: Nine hundered and twenty, though he look nineteen.
Species: Vampire
Physical appearance: Booker is your typical Germanic, from the look of it. His face is long and angular, with slightly large ears and a straight nose. His dirty blonde hair is normally slicked back from his face, mainly because it would otherwise hide his light blue eyes from view. Being a vampire, he's slightly pale, yet tanned enough to still look human, though lacking blemishes whatsoever. He's also of a normal build, standing in a 5'11" and just a tad bit underweight.
Personality: At first glance he may seem like some boring top shot or some kid who went back eighty years to pick up fashion trends, yet he's actually a vampire older than the Eiffel Tower with a sense of humor. He's lived through a lot of weird times, so you can always expect him to be the one with the best laughs and greatest stories. He has a bit of a morbid sense of humor, but then again, he is a blood drinker. He's seen many friends come and go, yet he still remains. Sometimes, thinking back on it, he gets a bit depressed that he never had someone that could stay with him 'til the end, but hey, it isn't the end yet.
Special skills: Well, he drinks blood, for one. He knows a lot about history, scince he's actually seen most of it happen. He's also very good with forgey, disguises, and aliases.
Rank: Trainee
Weapons: Fangs, as well a a pair of short swords.
History: Booker was born into a family of vampires in Transylvainia sometime during the twelth century. Being immortal, he's changed his entire identity more times than he has fingers. He's changed his name, faked his age, staged his death, and cancelled thousands of dollars in bank accounts just to stay hidden from the public eye. Over the years he's witnessed battles start and end, countires rise and fall, and watched history write itself out in front of his very eyes. And, scince he's seen so much, he has a vast knowledge of every year, decade, and century. And that information, my friend, is the only reason that he's here.
Other: Nothing.


Real full name:
Anastatia Margaret Fendicevich
Mostly Fae but maybe one-eighth Elf
Physical appearance:
Nasta has long, straight black hair that reaches to her bottom. However, she usually wears it in two braids, intertwined down her back. She has small blue eyes, they are not double lidded, so they look asian. Nasta has high cheek bones and a very harsh face. Nasta is quite short, only 4 feet 11 inches and is not very slim. Not fat, no, Nasta would not let herself but not slim. On her back, her veins are very close to the surface. She also has a pair of blue dragonfly wings on her back that fold down easily so they can be consealed under a loose tee-shirt. Nasta does not walk with the grace you would expect though. The bottoms of her feet were once mangled and now she walks with a funny limp, making her not so suited for field work.
Nasta is very polite. She seems at first to be a well brought up, kind person. Of course, this is on the surface. Underneath, she is an evil genius. She can be sharp and cruel. Making her crueler, in her 274 years on this earth, she understands human nature pretty well and designs weapons that play on that. Nasta has very good people skills. She is very convincing and can make a normal person believe that what she wants is really what they want. However, even if she is cruel to some, she has a soft spot fo younger children.
Special skills:
Languages, she is fluent in Latin, English, French, Russian, Itailian and Japanese. She is able to hover for short periods of time, using her wings. Nasta is also very creative, able to think of obsure ways to disguse/use different weapons.
Nasta is very old school with her weapons. She prefers to use a classic rapier that she got in france as a child. Also, she is able to use six pointed ninja stars for long distance.
It is a very long story so I will make it short for you.
Born in England, raised and adopted by an antique dealer.
Moved to France when she was old enough to travel alone. She worked as a seamstress for the resistance against the monarchy, sewing weapons and poisons into the clothes.
Traveled world, trained in weapons and poisons by the japanese, where she learn to use ninja stars.
Lived in Russian during the war, helped children stuck in "Children's Homes" also known as "Free Labor Stores."
Lived in U.S.A during the second war, worked as a techy, help build first computer.
Worked with a gang in Italy. Fought some battles and lost some too. She has the scars to prove it.
Those are just the main points. The things that she did that she was proud of. There is much more that she has done that she wishes hadn't happened.


Real full name: Alex Inger
Alias/nickname: Shi
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Demon
Physical appearance: Short black hair, and extreemly pale skin. Always wears black, and has piercing red eyes. Scowls at all times.
Personality: Is really smart, though lacks in the humor department. Hates sunlight, and extreemly dark places. Is slow to trust, and almost never talks unless it's important. Walks really quickly, and never procrastinates. Will stab you in the back if disliked, that is if he ever gets close enough to you. Speaks the truth at all times, unless it's to save his own skin. Is blunt, and gets right to the point. Is very harsh, and will be mean without even relising it.
Special skills: Likes wepons, but is untrained
Rank: Trainiee
Weapons: Guns
History: Alex was born in a small town, not far from New York, New York. He had both a mother and father, and a smaller sister. Yet he was a cold and heartless boy. He obeyed fine, and some called him, "Perfect," though he hated that pact, and threw himself in depression at around the age of four or five. He devoloped anger issues, though kept silent at all times. Some began to belive he was mute, or dumb. He couldn't just be normal. One day he was walking with his family from the movie theater, still angry about seeing Barney for the third time, for his little sister. They turned down an alley and a group ambushed him, and Alex went besurk. Killing his entire family, and the gruop that attacked him, he was left alone. A small group found him later, bloody and battered near the entrence way of the alley. Taking him to a hospital, they relised he was in a coma, and would most likely die. After a year, the hospital got tired of him, especially since they weren't drawing any money, and literally decided to dispose of him. Dropping him on the side of the road, the Wren picked him up, raising him from the age seven, untill now. They gave him the name, "Shi," which is death in japanese.
Other: Is this all ok? xD

Northern. Lights:

Real full name: Katherine Nichole Keath
Alias/nickname: Kaylee
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Human
Physical appearance: Kaylee is a dark brunette with long, wavy hair that is usually down. She has hazel eyes and very light freckles. She dresses in tank tops/ camis for a shirt, and tight, dark pants. She has the typical black ankles boots, but wears flip-flops on exceedingly rare occasions. She has thin, dark pink lips and naturally long eyelashes. She is 5'5' without her boots, and weighs around 110 pounds. Overall, she looks innocent and nimble.
Personality: Kaylee is a shy, and self-conscious girl. She worries a lot about meeting required goals. Her biggest fear is failing and the punishments that come with it. However, these fears drive her constantly to do her best and push herself. She rarely goes to bed without being physically or mentally exhausted. Overall, she is a very stressed out young lady. Kaylee is trustworthy, but only to select people. If you're not one of her selects, she can be sly and treacherous, even if you're a good person. Kaylee can shut down her feelings and emotions when she needs to, which is usually on her jobs.
Special skills: Kaylee is very flexible, sure footed, and knows weak points on the body well. Most of this she gained through her past.
Rank: Trainee
Weapons: Kaylee mostly relies on her knowledge of the body and her ability to manipulate them. Though, she always wears black, fingerless gloves that have a blade hidden in them which can stick out and assist her. She usually has a handgun on her, but she doesn't use it unless she needs to.
History: Kaylee was child-snatched when she was eight from her European home. She became a test subject of a team of scientists who were interested in creating enhanced species. They ran her through thousands of obstacle courses and mazes of all sorts. Sometimes they made her fight against other creatures to test her instincts. Life was very miserable for her there, but that's where she gained many skills. She escaped at the age of twelve, shortly before the team was found out and shut down. For the past four years of her life, Kaylee has been a part of a notorious street gang. Her job in the gang was to be a spy on other gangs, which, as you can imagine, was treacherous work.
Other: Ummm, nope. n_n
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Re: Welcome to the Wren: Semi-lit Assassin RP

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:51 am

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Re: Welcome to the Wren: Semi-lit Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby incompleteicarus » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:22 am

Real full name: Rayven Emily Goddard
Alias/nickname: Black Shadow/Raven.
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Physical appearance: See image above.
Personality: Cold and steely. She dislikes most people. She finds it hard to trust anyone and cannot
Special skills: She's almost a martial art expert and can use a sword well.
Rank: Trainee.
Weapons: Poisons and a katana.
History: Her family's pretty normal, except for the fact that their daughter is an assassin in training and a demon. Her mother is half demon and her father is a demon that ran away from his family and rejected their ways. She joined judo lessons aged 6 and worked her way up to a blackbelt. She also began thai muay lessons aged 10. Aged 12 she was told to start kendo lessons and became a master of the sword.
Other: She's a demon.
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Re: The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:26 am

Accepted! Thank you very much. I'll put you on the member's list.
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Re: The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby incompleteicarus » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:30 am

Do you want to wait for more people to join or do you want to start now?
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Re: The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:32 am

I'd rather wait for more members, if that's okay. If nobody's joined by tomorrow this time, we'll start.
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Re: The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:05 am

Updated the 'members' list, the rules and the form.
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Re: The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:58 am

Plenty of openings!
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Re: The Wren: Semi-lit All Species Assassin RP. Accepting

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:59 am

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